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St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

St. John’s Wort Infusion I

Stuff two tablespoons of leaves and flowers into a cup of water, coca and let stand for 15 minutes. This infusion relieves headache, migraines, and period discomfort. It is recommended to take the plants when they are in flower, dry them outdoors and keep them (the flowers and leaves without the stipipe) in a closed glass.

St. John’s Herb Oil

It is very easy to prepare this oil that cures a number of diseases and injuries.
Fill a glass with the flowers (without leaves!) of St. John’s Wort and fill the glass with olive oil. Carefully fix the lid of the glass and leave it in a lucid, sunny place for about four to six weeks. Every day move the glass over a flat surface. Through this process the color of the oil turns dark red. Then sift the contents of the glass through a filter and collect the oil in small dark glasses. The oil is ready to use.

The Use of St. John’s Herb Oil

1.- Outdoor use:
If you burn your finger or hand, give a few rubs per day to your finger / hand and it will heal very soon.
A few drops of this oil on a bleeding wound reduce the risk of catching an infection and reduce the pain.
In case of one or another form of contusion or distension (or irritation) of the tendon, rub with a few drops of oil the pain point two or three times a day and you will experience an improvement.

The use of St. John’s Oil increases the risk of catching a sunburn!
It is considered a primary photosensitizing agent in bovines, in which hypericin accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue and reacts with sunlight, causing inflammation of the dermis, especially of the less pigmented parts.

The use of St. John’s Oil may reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of another drug taken the same time.
The administration of extracts of this herb is cause for debate. Although there is limited evidence to suggest its efficacy and safety, it has not been systematically evaluated for the incidence of side effects and interactions with other drugs, with the risks involved. Even so, it is mentioned that, in the case of some treatments, it reduces their effect, as in the case of treatments for people with HIV.

2.- Indoor use:
However, the properties of this herb that have most attracted researchers are linked to its traditional use for the treatment of mild to moderate depression. This indication has been validated in recent decades by health agencies in some countries such as Germany, where it has been included in the official pharmacopoeia, and is widely prescribed for that therapeutic purpose.

This oil is used to control depression especially during the climacteric. Two or three times a day a small spoon is taken for a few months.