Reception of Guests in the Monastery

All the guests who present themselves to the Monastery are to be welcomed as Christ, for He himself will say one day: "I was a stranger, and you welcomed me".
Rule of Benedict

It is more convenient to arrange in advance to come to our Guest Department.

You can call the Monastery phone number (+34 987 691 918), from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

You can also contact us by email [email protected]

Our Monastery is located in the region of Leon, near the town Astorga in the village of Rabanal del Camino. It is situated on the Camino de Santiago, between Astorga and Ponferrada, that is, in the vicinity of the N VI. Both Astorga and Ponferrada have a train and bus station. Once in Astorga, if you travel by public transport, the best option is to take a taxi.

Reception of Guests
call from 10:00 a 13:00

We are not motivated by profit when opening the doors of our Monastery. However, we are a community that lives exclusively from the work of its members. Therefore, we invite guests to compensate the cost of their stay with a voluntary donation.

Again we remind you of our prayer schedule

Here is the Schedule of the prayers that we celebrate every day in the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, right in front of the Monastery and the Gaucelmo Refuge

7.30 Lauds - Morning Prayer
9.00 Eucharist
* 12.30 Eucharist (Sundays and Solemnities)
19.00 ** Vespers - Evening Prayer
21.30 Compline and Blessing of Pilgrims
Following the ancient monastic tradition, the liturgy is celebrated using Gregorian chant.
** After Vespers each evening a monk will remain in the church for anyone interested in having Confession (the Sacrament of Reconciliation) or having a personal talk with a priest.