Benedictine Congregation of St. Ottilien
It belongs to the Benedictine Confederation. About 1000 monks live and work in Africa, America, Asia and Europe - according to the Benedictine tradition in self-sufficient monastic communities. The rhythm of life of these monasteries is formed by prayer and work to earn a living. The monasteries try to carry out the missionary task of the church. The focus of the missionary service is pastoral care and evangelization, education, health care and the fight against poverty.

In the year 2012 elected the Chapter General the by then Archabbot Jeremias Schroeder Abbot Praeses of the Congregation of St. Ottilien
The monks are bound by their vows to one of the abbeys or one of the independent priories of the Congregation of St. Ottilien. In the monasteries of the Congregation, religious life is lived according to the Rule of St. Benedict. The cornerstones of this life are community life, the celebration of the liturgy of the hours, work to support the community, the fulfilment of missionary responsibilities and the search for personal spiritual maturity.
We work to proclaim to all people the salvation that has come in Christ and to reunite them in the community of believers, the Church. We strive to fulfil this mission principally by bringing the Good News of salvation, above all, to those people and peoples who do not know Christ, working in local Churches helping them to deepen their faith. We do this especially among those whose own strength is insufficient to fulfil its pastoral task and to awaken and promote the missionary responsibility of the entire Church in the particular local Churches. As Benedictines, we participate primarily as communities in the missionary task of the Church. Therefore, the implantation and development of Benedictine monasticism in the young churches is also one of the main tasks of our Congregation.